Event Date
Thursday, August 15th , 2024
Summerheights Golf Links
Entry Fee – Non-club/Club members $115 per person
Registration and payment have been made easier this year. You can register below and payment by debit, credit, or e-transfer. There will be a registration deadline no later than August 7th , 2024. E-transfer can be sent to accounts@agapecentre.ca making note on the transfer that it is for golf registration. If teams are created after the deadline payment can be made online or at the time of registration.
NEW this year for golfers we’ve added a pledge sheet that can be downloaded for each team player. The Team that collects a total of $1,000 plus will golf for FREE! Registration refunds will be e-transferred to your Team Captain to distribute to golfers. Please download the Pledge Sheet here.
Thank you for supporting the Agape Centre! See you on the greens!