A wave of change is in the air. On Tuesday February 12, 2019 the Ontario Association of Food Banks (O.A.F.B.) became FEED ONTARIO. Feed Ontario states that over the last 35 years, food banks have evolved from traditional food cupboards into multi-service agencies for community building and change. This exciting change has prompted the Agapè Centre to look internally at how we could better serve our community and be a sustainable organization.
In the last year, seven (7) new Board Directors have been added for a total of twelve (12) strong and capable individuals with a heart and passion for the Agapè Centre. One of the objectives of the Board is for the Agapè Centre to continue to serve our community by ensuring all have access to healthy food. Remaining transparent and accountable for all change within the Agapè Centre is imperative for the Board of Directors.
Since 1971, the Agapè Centre has evolved as an organization by including a Soup Kitchen and developing its own social enterprise – New for You Thrift Store. The Agapè Centre was established out of meeting a need in the community of Cornwall and stands on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights statement that ‘the right to food is a human right.’ In the last year, regulations for delivering some services have changed. The process has been streamlined, easing access to those in need of food bank services.
“What was once a lengthy intake has now been simplified to assure greater privacy, dignity and efficiency. We are pleased with how this will positively impact individuals seeking Agapè Centre services,” says Johanne Couture, Executive Director. “Ever cognizant that we rely on the generosity of the community, this also allows us to operate more sustainably and to ensure our continued viability.”
Even for the Agapè Centre, transformation is necessary to ensure individuals are served with the most respect and dignity while maintaining a high standard of efficiency, as we continue to evolve.
For more information on the services offered by the Agapè Centre, visit our website.