Support Hunger Awareness Week

Support Hunger Awareness Week

May 8, 2013 | News

This week is Hunger Awareness Week. Hunger is a reality in Canada and hits close to home when we serve over 1000 people a month in our food bank and 130 a day in our soup kitchen. We can provide this compassionate service because of people like you donating to us!

During Hunger Awareness Week, for a donation of $20.00 or more, you can receive a Tee-Shirt or a Heavy Duty Cotton Bag, as a thank you for helping our community eat.

There are 3 ways you can do this:

  1. Online at look for the green DONATE NOW button or the ORANGE
  2. Text the word HUNGER to 45678 on your phone (IPhone, SmartPhone, Blackberry, Android) to donate
  3. Or drop in our centre with cash, credit or a cheque: 40 Fifth St West, Cornwall.

We need people like you to help our community!